Residence Permit

Obtaining a residence permit is governed by the Aliens and Immigration legislation of Cyprus. EU citizens can fill in an application form for obtaining a temporary residence in Cyprus.

The non EU citizens however, should take into consideration the following:

Temporary residence permit

You can request a temporary residence permit either for holidays or searching for a possible permanent settlement in Cyprus.

In order to receive a temporary residence that is usually from 1-4 years, you should have a property in Cyprus, for example a holiday house, or a secured annual income.

Permanent residence permit

Obtaining permanent settlement permission in Cyprus,you need to apply to the Chief Immigration Officer in Nicosia and submit the application form M.67.

According to the Regulation 5 of the Alien and Immigration Regulations, non-residents have to fall under one of the following categories:

Category 1: those who want to be self-employed and have the relative permit and qualifications to work in:

  • Agriculture, cattle and bird breeding etc. have at their disposal the amount of 425,000 EUR as capital
  • Mining enterprises – capital of €340,000
  • Trade or profession- capital of €255,000
  • Profession or science


Category 2: people who were offered a permanent job in Cyprus

Category 3: people who have a secured annual income of at least 30,000 EUR per person.If the application form is approved by the Civil Registry and Migration Department of Nicosia you receive the permanent residence permit without being obliged to renew it every year.

Moreover, Cyprus,according to The Directive of the European Union 2003/109/EC, has implement the right to migrants who have stayed legally and continuously in Cyprus for five years, to obtain a permanent residence permit.
